Sunday, February 21, 2010

narrative scultpural jewelry

hello. wanted to show you a piece I created over the summer...
yes, it took me a long time to post

it allowed me to explore
through art
ways I experience being a therapist in training

how I envision the
.holding environment.
a place where a person can explore
and sit with someone else
in their pain.
for it is in our brokenness
that we experience breakthroughs

My intention is also allowing the wearer to have intimate side

for we're not always willing to show everything.
something able to keep to reveal...
perhaps depending on who's in company.

can't wait to do more narrative pieces like this!
have a great start to your week.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What's in store ?

the shelves are filling up in my new shop
silver, gold, brass, and coppery metals
a DELIGHT to work with
i'm embracing this creative kick.
an artists never knows how long their creativity will stay

so i plan to continue to push
and allow
myself to make more.
exploring my intentions and materials

afraid that if i take time away from the studio

creativity will rush away like the tide

and i'll need to wait patiently for its return

thanks for a wonderful kickoff!
it's a pleasure to create things

for you and others
to enjoy!


Monday, February 15, 2010

working on my Snow Day!

the snow has tucked in my car for the day
with classes and meeting canceled
i'm home working on photography for my new shop!

it's perfectly bright with the sun beaming
scattering light throughout the apartment

hope everyone is keeping warm!


Friday, February 12, 2010

aw, thank you all so much!

Thanks so much

to the junior kindergarten and kindergarten kids

for the lovely valentines today!

My heart is warm
and my tummy full of lollies and chocolates. Yum!

Hope everyone has a fun weekend & a great holiday!


now open for jewelry lovers!

hello lovelies!
i'm thrilled to announce my new shop is officially OPEN!
Sounds of Silver

my new focus in the studio is remaining open and spontaneous
approaching the raw materials
without any preconceptions
instinctual in the methods i choose to dap, saw, hammer, color...

it's freeing to not labor over a piece for too long
in doing so, each piece of jewelry maintains a freshness

enjoy these shimmer beauties :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

keep it like a cold

for those of you who are so lovely
i have a secret to share with you...
you don't have to keep it
actually, i encourage you to share it.

i've been a busy version of myself
buzzing in the studio
my mind eager to release itself unto creativity
and so here is a tiny sneak peek
into what i've been creating

both pictures are from upcycled metals i've found
and formed into beautiful adornments
these new pieces will be a part of my new etsy shop
featuring handmade jewelry in metals from copper and brass to silver and gold :)

more updates to come soon!

Stay Warm,